I was once saw a man who spent 45 minutes just to get a picture of people across the intersction at trafic light every time it get green. And I used to wonder “How can he capable to do it ? How can he so patient ? Is it worth to do that ?
But after having a ton of discussion, research and thinking. I finally got into the conclusion: “That how amazing things happen“.
I call that a soul of the picture.
Have you ever wonder there are some pictures worth million of dollar but it have zero beauty at it. Why ? Because it have the soul. The soul is some thing you can’t see, you can just only feel it. That why some time you see some pictures, it not beauty but it still attract you some how, it “touch” inside of you so that you sit there and watch it for hours (maybe not an hours). Because it have a soul
A soul was born when the artist (or anyone) really spend their effort, their love, their passion into the work that they do, in this case a picture that they took.

I don’t understand that until I really experienced by myself. Me and my friend spent almost 45 minutes just to took the picture of the church. And we got 4 favorites pictures of all. Maybe with you, it just a picture and nothing is so special. But with me, it a masterpiece, and probaly someone would feel the same.

I am now understand the concept “the soul of the pictures”, the sould is the hard working, the love, the emotion that the artist spend to the work that they do. And it doesn’t matter if you are an artist, a photographer, a cinematographer, anyone can create a soul of the own work if they truly love what they do and be patient with it.

Updating picture on 2019
